About the project

Erasmus+ Project

Erasmus+ project Interception was about strengthening social inclusion through inclusive entrepreneurship.

Social excluded youth is under-represented and disadvantaged in entrepreneurship. Increasing entrepreneurship among them, as well as improving the quality of their business start-ups, represents an opportunity to increase their social inclusion as well as participating in the labour market and boost economic growth. Social excluded youth typically face greater barriers to business creation than the mainstream population. Challenges include a lack of entrepreneurship skills, difficulty in accessing finance for business start-up, difficulties navigating the regulatory framework, a fear of failure and a lack of confidence.

Project Interception addresses social-excluded youth especially those that are highly protentional to become NEET (not in employment, education or training) or those that are already in NEET group.  Based on Eurostat info 13.1 % of the 15–29-year-olds in the EU in 2021 were neither in employment nor in education and training. 

Business creation by under-represented and disadvantaged groups as social excluded youth helps create jobs and fight social and financial exclusion, while stimulating economic growth across the economy. The objective of inclusive entrepreneurship is to ensure that all young people have an opportunity to start up and operate in business or self-employment, regardless of their personal characteristics and background. 

Strengthening social inclusion through inclusive entrepreneurship

Social excluded youth is under-represented or disadvantaged in entrepreneurship.

Social excluded youth typically face greater barriers to business creation

Challenges include a lack of entrepreneurship skills, difficulty in accessing finance for business start-up, difficulties navigating the regulatory framework, a fear of failure and a lack of confidence.

Inclusive entrepreneurship is important for achieving inclusive growth.

Business creation by under-represented and disadvantaged groups as social excluded youth helps create jobs and fight social and financial exclusion

Entrepreneurship offers an opportunity for social-excluded youth to be more active members of society

While not everybody who receives entrepreneurship training or support will start a business, individual young people participating in entrepreneurship training programmes, interacting with a coach or mentor, will acquire skills and experience that make them more employable.

Project partners

Entrepreneurship Movement Club EMC (Slovenia)
Klub podjetniškega gibanja EMC (Entrepreneurship Movement Club EMC) is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Slovenia. It was established in 2015 to meet a growing demand for international entrepreneurship youth work services. Through a team of dedicated and experienced coaches and trainers, EMC’s team provides interactive and customized training and coaching in entrepreneurial development and leadership skills.

Media Sapiens Network CIO (UK)
Media Sapiens Network CIO is the network of young people who accept the values adopted by Media Sapiens Network CIO and are ready to contribute their resources and forces to spread those values and accomplish the objectives of the organization. Objectives of the Media Sapiens Network CIO are to improve the lives of young people and their economic position, their opportunities, progression and development through media education.

Institute for Policy research and analysis (Lithuania)
Institute for Policy research and analysis is a Lithuanian NGO that has experience with KA2 project. They support policy development, build the capacity of institutions & organizations, promote civic participation and Youth work. It has implemented already 6 projects with strong research elements. It has competence to develop innovative and meaningful intellectual output development and conduct qualitative and high level researches. Moreover, it has implemented national training program for NEETs in Lithuania.

Slovenian Australian Academic Association SAAA (Australia)
The aim of the Slovenian Australian Academic Association is to establish academic and academic-business collaboration between Slovenia and Australia, European Union and South East Asia. The Slovenian Australian Academic provides a platform for members to develop, enhance and strengthen their leadership and management skills; and identify collaboration and training for youth to become leaders and managers across the education, business, government, non-government sectors.

Emporah Plt (Malaysia)
Is an enterprise with an objective of distinctive business model known as Responsible Model that conserves the community knowledge and creates an ecosystem for the community people to be self-subsistence to ensure sustainability. Conducted by Dr Welyne Jeffrey Jehom, a Malaysian anthropologist. The biggest ongoing project already for years that organization is leading it is Pua Kumbu Community Project which consists of Iban women from rural areas in Malaysia.

Act Global (Indonesia)
Act Global is an international organization based in Indonesia and was established in 2012. It is an organization made up of support staff, logistics coordinators, contracted trainers and volunteers, all working to support our non-formal education projects and programmes. Organization mainly focuses on three thematic areas: youth empowerment, poverty reduction and social cohesion. However, in essence, Act Global is a peace-building programme aimed at developing positive cultural relations between people and nations. ()

Project meeting in Slovenia

Kick-off project meeting of partners from Slovenia, UK, Lithuania, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia

Video on project benefits

Video on NEET youth